That’s Gold, Man

Part of the battle to transform America into a pro-life country is to re-establish the idea that children are not a burden but a blessing. Not just any old blessing, either–one of the greatest blessing God gives.

Me on the Bee

I recently had the chance to write an op-ed for the Babylon Bee titled “Why Does Satire Keep Coming True?” It’s in the subscribers-only premium section, so if you’re a subscriber head on over and enjoy. If you’re not a subscriber, here’s just a taste of that sweet, sweet semi-serious content that could be yours … Read more

2021 Reading Wrap-Up and Recommendations

I read a bunch of books in 2021, and you, dear reader, are the one who benefits. Don’t waste hours digging through the remainders at Dollar Tree looking for your next read. Just waste a few minutes right here and get some much better options.

For Future Reference: COVID Facts and Links

Here’s another post chock-full of information that I wanted to link here in case I (or you, dear reader) wanted to refer back to it in the future. Some highlights of coronavirus reality tidbits: There has been NO unusual excess mortality. The press has called 2020 the UK’s “deadliest year since world war two”, but this … Read more

We Need a Federalist Society for American Businesses

After a wave of progressive jurisprudence in the 1960’s and ’70’s led to an America that made the “Death Wish” and “Dirty Harry” movies seen like feel-good romps, conservative legal minds decided that something had to be done to counteract the influence of liberal activism in American courts. That something was the Federalist Society, an … Read more

Stuff the Bee Turned Down

I am blessed and honored to be able to contribute content to The Babylon Bee on occasion. The way it works is: I pitch them ideas for headlines, and if they like my pitch, they either take it and write the article, or they give me the chance to write the article myself.

Obvious Things

These are not necessarily facts; they’re just things that seem obvious to me. But I feel like I still need to point them out, because obvious things just aren’t getting the attention they deserve.